The dangerous rise of grammar fundamentalism

This blog will doubtless upset a few friends. Well, so be it. It’s time to nail my colours firmly to the mast.

A few weeks ago, I heard a radio ad which would have delighted many people I know. Because, referring to a reduced number of… I forget what… it made a point of saying “fewer” instead of “less”.

And it made me want to cry.

It might’ve been technically correct, but it was the wrong word to use.

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The secret of great advertising? It’s the things you DON’T say

I wrote down loads of blog ideas, but none of them are really grabbing me right now – so instead I thought I might show you a piece of someone else’s work I think is cool, and I’ll tell you two things you can learn from it.

A few days ago, Volkswagen premiered their new Polo ad on Facebook. And, having 92 seconds to spare, I had a little watch.

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