Four free copywriting workshops

Yes, you read that right. This summer you’ll have four (count ’em, four) chances to see me embarrass myself by trying to tell human beings how to write good. And we won’t even charge you for the privilege.

Places are booking up pretty fast, though, so you’d probably get yourself over to Eventbrite or you might miss out on all the hilarity.

The idea is that each workshop is short, sharp… and basically a grab-bag of hints, tips and advice that you can take away and occasionally dust off when you’re bored with writing stuff your way.

They’re at the wonderful Tremough Innovation Centre, the first Thursday of the next four months. And they are (somewhat demurely) entitled as follows:

4th June                      Kung Fu Secrets of Business Copywriting

2nd July                       How to Write Badass Web Content

6th August                  Nail Your Press Release the Lungfish Way

3rd September            A Smash-and-Grab Guide to Voice and Tone

Hope to see you there. Unless, you know, you’re miles from Cornwall. Or you have something better to do…

How to write a quote (that the press might actually use…)

For the last few years, I’ve collected quotes from businesses lucky enough to be nominated for the Cornwall Business Awards. I’d then package these up by local area, send them off to their local press… and most of them wouldn’t get used.

Why? Because they all said pretty much exactly the same thing Continue reading

The dangerous rise of grammar fundamentalism

This blog will doubtless upset a few friends. Well, so be it. It’s time to nail my colours firmly to the mast.

A few weeks ago, I heard a radio ad which would have delighted many people I know. Because, referring to a reduced number of… I forget what… it made a point of saying “fewer” instead of “less”.

And it made me want to cry.

It might’ve been technically correct, but it was the wrong word to use.

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How Twitter made me a better copywriter

Yes, yes… I know. The number of social media posts about social media does get a bit much. And yes, I’d love to know what proportion of Tweets are about Twitter, too. I promise not to make a habit of it.

It’s just that something has been apparent to me for a while, but I haven’t noticed anyone talking about it; at least, not online. And it’s this…

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Four overused words that kill good marketing and PR copy

“If Stephen jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?”

When I was at school, that’s how my Mum used to point out that just because everyone else is doing something, it doesn’t make it a good idea.

I hated to hear it, of course… but all these *cough* years later, at least some of Mum’s wisdom must have stuck. Following the crowd feels like the lazy option, and I look around me sometimes and just think… “really?”

Lately, it’s a bit like that with marketing and PR copy.

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